"Writing is no answer but when you feel deeply there is little else to do." -- James Baker Hall

Monday, December 20, 2010

Winter Solstice/Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn/Cancer

My friend Kirk just asked me "What does that mean?"
Here are only some guesses.
Coincident winter solstice and lunar eclipses happen rarely in recorded history, but will happen again within about 200 years. Just that is pretty potent energy, especially for any cardinal sign, like a Cancer, Capricorn, Libra or Aries, and more especially that in the opening degrees since this is the first degree of Capricorn that this is all happening in.

That said, there is also a major alignment of Pluto, Mercury and Mars in the same sign --Capricorn. All happening at the same time. In other words there is a stellium of Capricorn energies.  The inner planets move quickly, but they are significant in terms of the communications (Mercury) and the combative, combustible energy (Mars) that are going to be put out. I would venture to say that there will be some influence in terms of government shake rattle and roll--not surprising since the US has a Cancer sun sign and the energy is all opposed the US Cancer sun.

Also Saturn in Libra is somewhat square all that. Balance could be shaken up. It should prove rather that some folks are "immoveable" all for "noble" reasons, but then are taken over with power struggles.  It could also have to do with some kind of underground event, i.e. CIA Wiki leaks more likely again, as well as possible earthquakes, oil spills.  That's all the dire news.

The good news?  We're all ready for a paradigm shift--one year arway and this is one that precedes the 2012 solstice event. This might be the first tremblings of shifts being made.

If you want to get metaphysically Egyptian about it, you can envision Osiris, the god of the moon, being taken apart by the earth god (Set) and Isis comes and Re-members him. This is a great moment in our time to begin to re-member why we are here on this planet.

Tremendous creativity can find its form now.

How shall we proceed in this evening of solstice and full moon energy. It is a good night to meditate and envision Peace. For that interested in the Bailey material Ray 7 energy is VERY strong. The master teachers can be envisioned standing ready for our questions. Your meditations may bring answers to your deepest questions. Ask why you are here and you will likely get an answer. The soul lessons are waiting to be taught. How does your life fit with the divine plan?  This is the moment to begin to envision it.

 As one mystic Christopher Frye has said, "The human heart can go to the lengths of God..."
“A sleep of prisoners”
>The human heart can go the lengths of God.
Dark and cold we may be, but this
Is no winter now. The frozen misery
Of centuries breaks, cracks, begins to move;
The thunder is the thunder of the floes,
The thaw, the flood, the upstart Spring.
Thank God our time is now when wrong
Comes up to face us till we take
The longest stride of soul men ever took.
Affairs are now soul size.
The enterprise
Is exploration into God.
Where are you making for? It takes
So many thousand years to wake,
But will you wake for pity’s sake!

ISIS BLESSINGS! on this her sacred night.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Approaching Winter Solstice from a Mystery Tradition

When mystic Earlyne Chaney began to explain her understanding as an initiate of the Egyptian Mysteries, she said, “To the postulant of the Mysteries the ‘dead’ referred to souls entombed in the physical form… To be ‘resurrected from the dead’ meant that the superstructure could be raised to transcend that of the lower personality.” 

We all have Osirian events in our lives and feel this need to understand loss and renewal on both a psychological and a spiritual level. Yet, we are more than the actions of our bodies and minds. We are spirits having a human experience. We are the way that the divine can understand matter and its consciousness by seeing what matters to us and how we act and react to loss and return. Humans are the hands of the divine, the conduits for change. Every change is a loss of something other. Time is an Osirian experience of aging, of summer turning into fall then winter, of dying plants and dried seeds. It’s all a falling away. I can remember standing at the Osirion at Abydos ten days after my mother had passed and tangibly, physically feeling her leave the world and me. I felt her simultaneous regret and exhilaration. Life is a coffin. 

Regardless of the degree of initiation, spiritual celebrations and communion still have a profound psychic effect on the individual. The mysteries always call upon us to turn inward and to face the unknown with strength. There was an outer ceremony for nearly every Egyptian, but there was an inner articulation of the mystery for only a few. That’s not surprising. Religion is probably the most misunderstood concept of all—primarily because religion is a subcategory of a larger concept, which is spirituality and unity with the divine. 

Herodotus recalls a solstice ceremony in which a bull, a symbol of Osiris called “The Good Being," was sacrificed and its carcass stuffed with flour cakes, honey, raisins, figs, incense, myrrh, and other herbs. It roasted over a fire as the priests of Osiris poured oil over it and upon the flames to keep the fire going. Afterward, they ate the ox. The ritually sacred body and fluid of the bull of Osiris has become the bread and wine given for all. Anglicans and Catholics might find a resonance with the Eucharistic sacrifice of Christ. The seed is the container of the mystery. Knowing the God has died, the God is risen, and the God shall come again is the essence of the mystery tradition. 

In death initiations one contacts the sorrowful mysteries, but the joyful mysteries lie beneath them. The sarcophagus in which the body is placed bears upon its coffin lid the image of the sky goddess bending over the dead. Literally, the word sarcophagus means "sacred eating." At the end of the day, the goddess ingests the sun and it travels through her dark body in the same way that the soul of light is swallowed by death and returned to its source. There, in the dark and stillness, one gestates a new life. The tomb is the womb of the goddess—an entrance and exit. In the words of the hierophant Hermes Tresmigestus, the 'There where everything ends, all begins eternally."