Things change. No matter how we fight them, we find that leaning into the painful change allows us to open to new heights. I have moved from Camp Chesterfield, a community I dearly loved, and I am living now in Kentucky--the place of my birth, nestled between its green grasses and hills like a soft, firry animal finding a comfortable lap. I am home.
Here is where I spent my days and a few evenings, writing--and waiting for friends to come to write with me, to study mystical texts with me, to smile, to remember and to spin a few yarns. Please contact me. Message me on FB and let's get together to share tea, coffee, memoirs. I love how you stay in my memory and my heart. I call you forth.The Goddess & The Open Book Test
A blog about spirituality, finding words of power, and gaining an understanding of self. (Isis told me to do start the blog so I did.)
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Exploring the Unseen Conference
Announcing my new book THE ANCIENT TRADITION OF ANGELS by participating in this remarkable conferane on the Unseen. It's time.
You can feel the energy changing these days in a multitude of ways. In these transitional times, which also hold great potential for transformation and the awakening of our individual and collective consciousness, messages from the unseen world have never been more available to us – or more valuable.
With the world at a choice point, our ability to connect and work with the unseen is one of the most essential skills we will need to root us in our authentic power, support our expansion, remember who we really are as divine humans, and help birth the New Earth.
Through discussion, experiential practices, ceremony, and activations, you’ll explore and deepen your noticing, listening, receptivity, and discernment on a journey through the non-material world of multidimensional consciousness, dreams, the Akashic records, angels, guides, nature spirits, mediumship, the ancestors, and much more.
This unique global event, co-hosted by my colleagues, Leslie Zehr (The Universal Dancer) and Keren Brown (WiseWoman Leading), will be live-streamed and interactive, including special opening and closing ceremonies direct from the island of O’ahu.
Deepen your access to the non-material world to expand your consciousness
Enhance your connection to the unseen world
Exploring the many ways to enter the unseen realm – and find out why it matters
Expand your multidimensional awareness to stay grounded and in your power
Strengthening your connection to the unseen as an essential skill for tumultuous times
Enhancing your ability to connect with the unseen: your best superpower in uncertain times
Remember who you truly are in uncertain times
Joining other cosmic visionaries, pioneers, authors, guides, and teachers, I will be speaking about [Angels, Neteru and Divine Messengers] on [April 26, @ 10 am ].
This retreat will help you:
· Access deeper wisdom, clarity, and knowing so all areas of your life can flow with more ease and grace
· Trust your intuition and guidance more than ever before
· Stay more rooted, centered, calm, and focused, even in the midst of external challenges
· Connect you to a deeper sense of meaning and purpose so you can be the change
This promises to be a profound and transformational event and I look forward to connecting with you there!
To claim your spot, register here [
P.S. And please share the love! If you would share this with others you know, that would be wonderful. Send them to this link to register [] and enjoy the event experience with a friend. Attendance is free!
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Earth Day Shivers
like one ray of sunlight
ready to pop out
from behind this cloud.
I am morning
longing for bird song.
I am trillium
with my two budded
lips pursed
suckling cold dew
from the teat of morning.
I am worry, prayer
a trembling kiss.
I am the chattering
pink teeth mark of redbud
waiting to explode
along the arm of tree.
I am the green hearts
of leaves longing
for perfect light.
In a cold viral world
I cry: Wake me!
For goddess sake,
unmask the glory
the aching craving--
this falling in love
with the earth
burning in light.
--Normandi Ellis
Friday, January 3, 2020
2020 is a Power Year
Did you know Pythagoras--yeah, that ancient Greek guy who was responsible for your having to learn the Pythagorean theorem in high school geometry--spent 30 years tramping up and down the Nile, wandering around lost inside the temples of ancient Egypt, begging the old scribes and priests of Ptah and Thoth to teach him everything, or anything, or whatever they knew about magic, the heka of hieroglyphs and numbers.
That's the source of all our mystical, magical numerology, as well as our geometry and alchemy. It's a story of secrets and struggle and working against the odds to gain what our heart and mind --nay, our very soul!-- desires.
It's a story fit for a new year--this new year!
Our 2020 is going to be filled with amazing energy. 2+0+2+0 = the Master number 22, which is the foundation of Temple building. Have you been called to build your Temple yet? Do you know how to manifest the desires within yourself as you stand inside your holy of holies, that sacred ground of your spiritual and alchemical constellation?
This planet Earth is undergoing massive changes at the hand of the Divine that has cojoined with our human hands to implement The Great Work. This is the future we've been waiting for. We are entering the wave of the New Age.
Two is the number of partnership, and this year we enter the greatest partnership we can ever imagine, that of partnering with Cosmic Intelligence. Two plus two. (Isis and Thoth. You and me.) We stretch out our hands to touch the hands of the divine. That's four hands, folks! We are linked in a great building partnership. It takes a lot of work, and a lot of love, and a lot of commitment to build this kind of energy to accomplish the Work at hand.
AND that God Force Energy is twice amplified by the repetition of the number Zero, the Ouroboros--the forcefield of creativity from beginning to end, spiraling over on itself, recombining beginning and end. I'd expect a radical re-shifting in your priorities from focus on the material world to amplified visioning in the spiritual world.
Which doesn't mean we will be getting off easy with 2020. It is the year of the Master Builder. Perhaps you foresee big things in your life. Thoth and Isis, the Ascended Masters, the Daimon, the Angels of Your Higher Nature--call them what you will--are beside you all the way, ready to assist with the building of the staircase that leads to enlightenment. You are ready to set your new life in motion but remember it is a daily re-ignition of the dream that will keep you going. You can achieve whatever you wish, with a bit of angelic help. And a lot of human determination.
Keep lighting candles. Affirm your positive steps daily. Get out your day planner. Do the work. Be grateful you are here on this planet to do the work. It is a gift, an honor to be here, working elbow to elbow with the Gods, Goddesses, Angels, and Ascended Masters. Roll up your sleeves!!!
Let's go.
I have some 2020 news of my own. My new book Hieroglyphic Words of Power:
Symbols for Magic, Divination and Dreamwork will be coming out from Bear & Co in May 2020. You can order it here:
Its writing has been a labor of love for about 10 years, the same amount of time it took to write Awakening Osiris, which began my love affair with hieroglyphs and was published back in 1988. This new book explores why hieroglyphs have entranced countless Egyptophiles like me throughout the centuries. Symbol and mythology, combined numerology and the pulse of vibration, the music of language... all moving together to create a kaleidoscope of meaning, layer upon layer. I think you're gonna like it.
In the early days of working with the hieroglyphs, I teemed up with Jean Houston to do some writing and editing in her book The Passion of Isis and Osiris. That followed the first tour I took in Egypt with her in 1992. For the last five years I have enjoyed traveling around the country teaching my classes in Hieroglyphic Words of Power and giving students the opportunity to learn hieroglyphic oracles by drawing their own cards on slips of papyri. That's still a wonderful way to do it, but I now have included a deck of the same 60 hieroglyphic oracle cards in HiWoPo. They are called Seshet's Oracle, which can be.
So there's some of my new news.
Interested in studying with me? Contact me at
Stay tuned for more information about my travel plans for Egypt March 2021.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Keeping Sacred Calendars
This talk evolved in the class I was teaching in sacred calendar, exploring a study of time, space, light, and dark as well as creation of the world.
That said, you will find that learning sacred calendar will help you understand such things as astrology, numerology, and full moon meditations, as well as finding its usefulness in your work through the metaphysical journal, practical metaphysics, and ceremony practicum. It is the groundwork for all sacred ritual in every religion.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Interview with Normandi Ellis on Jamie Dawn Radio
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Medju Seshet - The Word of the Goddess
And she said, "Because I say so. … You'll see."
So I did. And now I see. The Word of the Goddess (Medju Seshet) started out with my telling stories about trips to Egypt, then announcing writing classes, and now here I am several years later having completed a book (February 14th- Kiss me) called Medju Seshet: The Lady's Book of Oracles.*
It began with classes I taught in Hieroglyphic Thinking, which kept expanding and then went straight into automatic writing and the book began to take shape. It offers up the 30 years of study I've done with the Egyptian hieroglyphs. In addition, I've created a series of meditations for each glyph. It also offers ways to use the hieroglyphs as oracles. I hope to place them on a deck of cards and offer those as well as the book. And there are ways to do the layouts.
So as if that massive project weren't enough the Goddess said, "I want you to start a priestess school." I said, "What? I can't do that. I'm too busy. I'm not all That!" And then she reminded me of a dream that I had had in which Lady Olivia Robertson, of the Fellowship of Isis, came to me in a dream and said "What will you do for the Fellowship of Isis?" and I told her Lady Olivia, whatever you ask. "Done," she said and disappeared.
So now the voice of the Goddess comes back and says to me, "You already agreed. You said you would do it. Now is the time."
So now Is the Time! I began a school wherein those who love the Goddess can come to study, and perhaps be ordained if they choose. I didn't know what to call it until I stood outside my favorite little spot in Edfu where Seshet kept the temple prayers on scrolls, and I was leading the meditation with my travelers to receive their Akashic record from Seshet. Someone took my picture and there was standing across from me, a cluster of orbs that as I looked at them created the outline of the Goddess herself. The school is called PAHS * or Per Ankh Het Seshet translated as The House of Life in the Temple of Seshet.
And I reckon I'll create a new blog on that. She seems to be talking to me. I better be listening.
* Book will be published by Bear&Co/Inner Traditions Fall 2019 I hope.